2024 Call for abstracts

The conference organising committee invites you to participate in the 2024 NZARE Conference. We are seeking abstracts that relate to a wide range of topics including:

Conference theme: NZARE invites abstracts that fit with our conference theme or align with the research direction of our special interest groups. In aligning with our theme, Mā muri, mā mua, we invite abstracts from both those reflecting on the past and those thinking of what the future may hold. We are keen to hear how education might be influenced by past, present, and future research. 

Concepts of time and space are unified in traditional Māori thought and language. Therefore, as well as the temporal trajectory of past-present-future, this proverbial saying also evokes the spatial dynamics of the marae, and the need for all parts of the marae to work together as one.

The theme of the conference can be seen as incorporating both ideas: the present results from the past and determines the future; and each of us in our different roles contributes to the success of the whole.

Abstracts are also invited from:

  • Any of the focus areas of a NZARE Special Interest Group see SIG page

  • Any other educational research topic.

Abstract extension

closes midnight

Monday 22nd July 2024

This new final submission date will not be extended as we have enough submissions now for a great conference.

Submission guidelines

Abstracts will be reviewed on the following four elements:

  1. Objectives or purpose

  2. Contemporary significance and/or scholarly relevance

  3. Perspective(s) or theoretical framework

  4. Results and /or substantiated conclusions

Submission guidelines, terms, and conditions

  • It is an expectation that presenters whose abstract has been accepted and who wish to present their research will register to attend the conference.

  • Authors may offer no more than two abstract submissions in which they appear as the lead author.

  • Conference attendees may not undertake the role of discussant for more than two symposia.

  • The Conference Programme Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any submissions.

  • The acceptance of an abstract does not imply provision of travel, accommodation or registration for the conference, nor any other costs associated with preparation or presentation of the abstract,or attendance at the conference.

Authors may submit an abstract for presentation in one of the following formats:

Individual paper presentation

All individual presentations will be allocated a 30-minute timeslot and grouped with two similar presentations where possible. When preparing your presentation allow for a 20-minute presentation and up to 10 minutes of questions and discussion.

When submitting an abstract for an individual paper presentation, you will be asked to include or indicate the following:

  • Title of paper

  • Authors, their email addresses, and affiliations

  • An abstract of length 150 to 200 words

  • Special Interest Group (SIG) most closely related to the subject of the presentation if relevant

Round table discussion

A round table discussion can be on research still in the early stages, that of an early career researcher that is complete or nearly complete, or a topic of interest. A 30 minute session usually consists of three papers. Papers of approximately 2000 words from each author are available in advance and the expectation is that those attending the discussion will have read the papers and considered a question posed by the author. Each author will present a five-minute overview of their research and question before the facilitated discussion begins. Abstract submissions generally follow the same format as an individual paper presentation

Symposium presentation

All symposium presentations will be allocated a 90-minute timeslot. The traditional format is 3 papers each of the same length as an individual paper presentation to allow the audience to attend other presentations. Each symposium should have a chairperson or discussant. When submitting an abstract for a symposium presentation, you will be asked to include or indicate the following:

  • Title of symposium

  • Symposium overview (150-200 words)

  • Authors and affiliations, including names of presenters and discussant/chairperson

  • Email addresses of presenters and discussant/chairperson

  • Abstract for each presentation within the symposium (150-200 words each)

  • Special Interest Group (SIG) most closely related to the subject of the presentation if relevant

Abstract Submission Workshop

How to write a punchy 150-200 word abstract
To help develop this skill, we are hosting a zoom workshop on how to write a punchy 150-200 word abstract.

More information to come.