2025 Conference - Auckland University Tuesday 18th to Thursday 20th November



You may sign up to as many SIG or Caucus groups when you become a member of NZARE at not cost.

Special Interest Groups (SIGS)

Members of NZARE who have an interest in a specialist research domain are able to form a Special Interest Group (SIG) within the Association. SIGs have a minimum of 15 members and nominate a convenor, who liaises with Council and reports to the Annual Meeting. There is no cost to join a SIG when you become a member of NZARE.

Adult & Higher Education

Education occurs in a range of contexts and extends throughout the life course. As learners move out of the compulsory/schooling sector, education pathways and contexts diversify significantly, and global, marketised, and political forces take on new significance. Learners, meanwhile, remain diverse, including in terms of their backgrounds, interests, needs, learning experiences, and motivations for engaging in adult or higher education; equity issues remain stark in a range of contexts; and tensions are highlighted between the roles of disciplinary (professional, vocational, academic …) expert and pedagogical practitioner. Visit SIG page.


The aim of the assessment SIG is to draw together NZARE members who are interested in aspects of assessment in the early childhood, compulsory school, tertiary or adult education sector. This will include researchers, postgraduate students, lecturers and others working in the broader educational sector. We hope that through these SIG discussions about research projects, policy initiatives and debates, a broader discussion about changes in the international landscape can take place.

If you have any suggestions for collaborative research, activities, or events that you feel this SIG could look at then please contact us. Visit Assessment SIG page

Early Childhood Education

The Early Childhood Special Interest Group (SIG) has been established for early childhood professionals to share research and explore topics for the early childhood sector in Aotearoa New Zealand. It is anticipated that participants will use the SIG as a means to connect and collaborate with colleagues from Aotearoa and internationally. Visit ECE Sig page.

Education for Sustainability

Research focusing on education and sustainability may consider: climate change and disaster preparedness, risk reduction and management;

  • biodiversity and ecocentric interdependence as well as resource depletion and environmental degradation;

  • cultural and linguistic diversity, traditional/Indigenous knowledges and languages;

  • poverty and economic disparities as well as over-consumption and obesogenic environments;;

  • gender equity, heteronormativity and anti-racism;

  • health, food and water security; 

  • Peace, citizenship and social justice education;

  • intergenerational equity. Click here to visit page.

Educational Ideas

Educational Leadership

The NZARE SIG aims to provide a forum in which researchers can engage in stimulating discussion and critical thinking with respect to the diverse nature of educational leadership. Visit SIG page.

Education Policy

Inclusive Education and Community

The purpose of the Inclusive Education and Community Special Interest Group is to further the agenda of equity in education through research, collaboration and practice.  The Inclusive Education and Community SIG provide opportunities for NZARE members working in the area to come together as an active network of researchers, students, policymakers and practitioners to engage in critical discussions about any aspect of inclusive communities and the social and educational opportunities available to all. Visit SIG page.

Learning Environments

The Learning Environment is the context in which teaching and learning occurs. This SIG has a primary focus on research that examines the context of learning, including physical, social, and/or digital environments. Members of this SIG are interested in educational research that examines the building and interior design of learning spaces, the social environment of the classroom, and virtual or online learning environments. Click here to visit SIG page.

Mathematics & Statistics/Pāngarau Education

The mathematics and statistics / pāngarau education special interest group aims to foster, support, participate in, and disseminate high quality research in areas relevant to mathematics education across all levels in Aotearoa. The SIG is to include researchers, postgraduate students and emerging researchers, teachers, educators, and policy makers working in the broader educational sector with an interest in mathematics and statistics / pāngarau education research. Visit SIG page here.

Quantitative Studies in Education

The Quantitative Studies in Education SIG is a community of researchers, policymakers, and educators from diverse fields with a shared interest in promoting the NZARE’s broad research focus and who are committed to excellent research involving quantitative studies that are underpinned by the scientific method in Aotearoa New Zealand and the broader Pacific region. Visit SIG page.

Science/Pūtaiao Education Research

The science education special interest group was established in 2011 and aims to foster quality research in areas relevant to science and pūtaiao education in Aotearoa-New Zealand. Our network welcomes policy makers, primary and secondary teachers, early career researchers, students and student-teachers, lecturers and scholars at universities, and other professionals with an interest in learning from science education research.

Teaching and Teacher Education

The Teaching and Teacher Education Special Interest Group provides a forum for NZARE members who are interested in the theory and practice of teacher education in Aotearoa New Zealand, from initial qualification through the years to full registration and beyond. The purpose of the SIG is to facilitate collegiality and collaboration that will develop and strengthen teaching and teacher education through research and practice. Visit SIG page.

Wellbeing Education

  • Facilitate and support scholarship, research, policy and practice of wellbeing in educational settings

  • Strengthen educational research in Aotearoa New Zealand in wellbeing, drawing on te ao Māori, Pasifika, and Western worldviews

  • Build relationships, partnerships and networks of those interested in wellbeing in education

  •  Foster a community of emerging and established scholars and practitioners that span diverse disciplines, educational sectors, to advocate nationally and internationally for wellbeing in education

  •  Advocate for a research-informed wellbeing focus in educational reform

Visit SIG page.


There are three Caucus Groups convened under the constitution for members with an interest:

- Māori Caucus
- Pasifika Caucus
- Student/Emerging Researcher Caucus

There is one or more elected representatives for each Caucus on the NZARE Board. Any member may attend events or join networking groups within these three groups. There is no cost to join a Caucus when you become a member of NZARE.

Student/Emerging Researcher Caucus

The Student and Emerging Researcher Caucus aims to represent the views of NZARE members with a wide range of experiences and work/study situations, click here to view more.